Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Formats Essay! Woot!

The difference between a scholarly journal article and a website is dependant upon many factors. For one a website could have been written by anyone whereas a scholarly journal article was more than likely written by a credible source. However, scholarly journal articles can also be published online, therefore considered the content of a website. The two can go hand in hand or they can be complete opposites. On another note, a scholarly journal article usually brings to mind academic study and they usually have references and cite where the collection of data came from whereas a website can be anything such as Myspace or Twitter which do not cite anything. Just like in the advanced formats presentation, one should explore to see if the website is a credible resource. From my experiences, I have noticed that the websites I frequent are far from being scholarly and never cite anything, however, I have also crossed paths with web based scholarly sites primarily for school purposes such as research papers. Perhaps the biggest difference between the two are the connotations linked with either and the biased classification representing both.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rita,

    A nice concise answer! You've done a good job of laying the main differences between a website and a journal article, while pointing out the odd fact that a website can contain a journal article and that websites can run the gamut. This essay would be stronger with a little more detail, for instance: What process to journal articles go through to get published? What about websites? How does this affect the type of information found in those two formats? How do you encounter journal articles and how can you tell they are journal articles? How do you encounter/use websites? Give a few more specific examples. Overall, it seems like you get it - I would just like to see a deeper explanation.

    Journal v. Website Essay Scoring Rubric

    The student understands the nature and characteristics of journals and website: Proficient

    The student applies this understanding to concrete real world examples: Basic

    The student recognizes and addresses the complexity and problems within the question: Proficient
